Sunday, July 10, 2011

Alpine Hikerz (Innsbruck, Austria)

Soooo, you know it's going to be a great hike in the mountains when you're greeted with these words, straight from the tour guides mouth, " you have more clothes?" Whatever, check out our sweet bootz. Lauren looked extra legit with her Alpine Pigtails.
Yep, we climbed that...without walking poles- because we are TRUE hikerz.
How rude, I almost forgot to introduce you to our guide...WOLFGANG. He ran down the mountain.
Lauren made friendz with all the beginnerz. (Take note of their beginner style poles...)
Adorbs Alpine calves in our path...mooooooo-ve it or loose it, sista.

At this point, Wolfgang promised it'd all be downhill. Wolfgang was a liar.
Never been so thrilled to see the snow...and to throw it at myself.
Citygurl reaches the summit...sweet success.Cousinz conquer the giant only 5 hourz. That's not bad for first-timers (...look closely, you can start to see Lauren's 3rd degree sun burns.)
I end the day with a Bronze 1st Time Hiker Medal and a signed autograph from Master Wolfgang.

Although this hike was probably the most strenuous activity I'll ever do- and I hated every uphill minute of it- the viewz were breathtaking...which made it sooo worth it! I'd never do it again, but if you find yourself in the Alps- you should totally take a hike.

Bis Gott. xo.


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